Shadowed Tiles Illusion

This is a recreation of the shadowed tiles illusion as demonstrated on Beau lotto’s Seeing is Believing video.

Shadowed Tiles Illusion

Click image to enlarge

In the above illusion, the pair of tiles on the right (indicated by the right-hand red box below) look almost the same whilst the pair of tiles on the left (also shown below in a red box) look more in contrast (one darker, one lighter). And yet, both sets of tiles (left and right) and their immediate backgrounds are identical (see bottom image)! The seemingly ‘lighter’ tile (under the table) appears lighter than it’s counterpart (outside of the table) because our brain is telling us that it is in shadow (from the table) and so our brain compensates for this accordingly!!

Shadowed Tiles Illusion Guide

Click image to enlarge

Shadowed Tiles Illusion - Masked

Click image to enlarge

So, is seeing believing?

Find out for yourself and watch Beau Lotto's 'Is Seeing Believing' video..  You can also check out our What Am I? page (and click on the interactive image at the bottom of the page) to get a little more insight as to how this is relevant to our every day lives.

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