The World Foundation for the Discipline of Peace

The Discipline of Peace is a set of eight principles and practices (also with their origins in the Twenty Count) that are designed to elicit ‘First Peace’ – the peace that Black Elk famously spoke of (see the quote on the right hand side of this page).

The First Peace is the calm, centred, vital and highly awakened state of the Human that enables us to relate more effectively, purposefully and empathically with the World around us.

RainbowHawk & WindEagle

The wheel, principles and practices were dreamed into being by Wind Eagle and Rainbow Hawk, founders of the Ehama Institute in New Mexico, USA – Keepers of the Delicate Lodge tradition. The World Foundation for the Discipline of Peace is the organisation holding this movement.

How to get involved and discover First Peace for yourself

To learn more about the Discipline of Peace there are introductory talks or workshops, known as Seed Plantings that you can attend. There are several ‘Seed Planters’ in the UK (including Antony & Carlos) who offer such events. These can be as short as a two hour talk, or as long as a full weekend workshop. During the longer workshops you have the opportunity to experience the eight practices for yourself and gain a deeper insight as to what it’s all about and how First Peace can really enrich your life.

The next step can be to self-organize into groups, called ‘enquiry circles‘ (anyone can step forward as a ‘Circle Leader’) whereby you discover, experience and share your insights into First Peace through a process of twelve monthly (day long) meetings. Training media, including online videos made by Wind Eagle and Rainbow Hawk, are provided for each Circle. Individuals are expected to stay in contact with the rest of the group in between meetings to share any questions, insights and experiences. Assignments are also set for each period to support the individual’s quest for First Peace. For more information on leading, or being a part of an Enquiry Circle you can either visit the Discipline of Peace website or contact us via our contact page.

Via Way of the Human

Antony Cholerton is also available to act as a Circle Leader – to help gather the Circle members and guide you through the twelve month programme. At Way of the Human, we also hold Seed Plantings. To express an interest in joining a Circle lead by Antony, or to enquire about Seed Plantings that we are holding please contact us via our contact page.

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